“By far the most successful content PureGym has ever put out. The response on our social channels was incredible!”
Paul K.
Marketing Director, Pure Gym

The Story

This is part of a series for Pure Gym, telling the story of how their members use fitness and lifestyle choices to overcome some of life’s big challenges. This is how Abbie got her life back on track after tragedy struck.

Following the death of her father, Abbie struggled to cope and turned to alcohol, cigarettes and junk food to help her through the hard times.  Before she knew it, her lifestyle had caught up with her and she ended up in a dark place.

The Result



Most viewed content

Pure Gym had ever released.

Helped to secure £700 million

Sale of the business.

The Thinking

Pure Gym have over 1 million members and we were tasked with bringing to life the stories of a select few. The struggle, the pain, the motivation and the life changing impact that taking care of the physical self can have on everybody.

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The Making

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